- Dog

How to take care of Guide Dogs

Caring for any dog is a huge responsibility, but owners of guide dogs feel that weight more than most. Whether keeping a guide dog for training or service purposes, owners need to stay on the ball to guarantee a dog’s health, happiness, and ability to work as trained.

The question is, how exactly do you achieve that? Even though 4,800 guide dogs currently reside in UK homes, there’s surprisingly little information surrounding their unique care needs. In part, this is because guide dogs require the same essentials as any other pooch, including regular walks, plenty of play, and a strong owner-dog bond. Still, it’s impossible to deny that guide dogs also have special needs of their own. To help you cater for these, we’re going to look at what they are, and the impact they can have on your guide dog overall.

Manage diet

A dog’s diet always matters, but the right food and nutrition are especially important for guide dogs. That’s because a guide dog that isn’t in top health will always struggle to perform. Quality dog food fed in the right amounts can guarantee health and happiness at all times. Given that guide dogs are also liable for plenty of training and reward, making sure to invest in the best dog treats UK complete with health benefits and natural ingredients is also an absolute must. Get diet right, and you could train/work with a guide dog that’s 100% dedicated, and well suited to their role.

Keep on top with training

While guide dog training in itself is an intensive task, owners need to keep on top with training when caring for their guide dogs. The simple fact is that your dog won’t need to perform every duty they once learnt every single day. Just like humans, they’re therefore liable to forget if you don’t keep up with their training. What’s more, ongoing training can be a fantastic way to strengthen owner and dog bonds at all times. This is fundamental given that guide dogs must be totally in tune to perform their duties to the best of their ability.

Don’t forget socialisation

Socialisation is a prerequisite for any dog owner. The chance to get out and interact with other dogs and people is vital for sound temperaments and general doggy happiness. Again, though, this basic need reaches new heights when it comes to caring for guide dogs. That’s because the ability to stay calm in a range of settings is essential. As such, you always need to take your dog out around people and fellow canines in a wide range of environments. Only then will they learn what it takes to keep one eye on you despite what’s happening all around!

The relationships owners form with their guide dogs are invaluable. Never is the owner dog bond so evident as in cases like these. Make sure you do what you can to nurture it by following these pointers for guide Affordable Pet Care that you can both rely on.

About Clare Louise

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