- Pet

What are the Essential Supplies for Keeping Livestock?

If you’re considering keeping livestock, you’re not alone. In recent years, there’s been a resurgence in interest regarding backyard farming, and more and more people are interested in raising their own chickens, goats and even pigs, as well as some livestock guardian dog breeds.

Before you take the plunge, though, it’s important to make sure you have all the supplies you need to properly care for your animals. Here’s a list of essential supplies for keeping livestock that everyone should know about beforehand.

Water Troughs or Buckets

One of the most important things your livestock will need is a constant supply of fresh water. Water troughs or buckets are an essential part of any barn or coop, and you’ll need one for each animal you have. Make sure to clean and refill the troughs or buckets daily so your animals always have access to clean water.


In addition to water, your animals will need food. Feeders come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you’ll need to choose the right one for the type of animal you’re keeping. For example, chicken feeders can be either hanging or ground-based, while goat feeders are typically hay racks that keep the hay off the ground and away from manure. No matter what type of feeder you choose, make sure it’s sturdy and can’t be easily tipped over by your animals.


Bedding is another essential item for any barn or coop. It helps absorb urine and manure, keeps animals warm and dry, and provides a comfortable place for them to rest. The type of bedding you’ll need will depend on the type of animal you’re keeping; straw is often used for chickens, while shavings or pellets are better for larger animals like pigs. Whatever type of bedding you choose, make sure to change it regularly to keep your animals healthy and comfortable.


If you’re planning on keeping livestock, chances are you’ll need some fencing to keep them contained. Fencing comes in a variety of materials (including wood, wire and plastic), so choose the type that’s best suited for the type of animal you’re keeping and the area you have available. For example, chicken wire is a good choice for chicken coops, while taller fences are better for containing larger animals like goats or pigs. Whichever type of fence you choose, make sure it’s tall enough and securely fastened so your animals can’t escape.

Ready to get started?

Keeping livestock can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it’s important to make sure you have all the supplies you need before taking the plunge. By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to being a successful millennial farmer in no time!

About Danny Davidson

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