You don’t have to be a dog expert or a veterinary doctor in order to recognise the signs of dog aggression. It is very easy to detect whether your dog is showing aggressive behaviour or not. Antagonistic behaviour from your dog can be dangerous. It can cause serious injury to children. Almost 90% of dog bites occur because of aggressive behaviour. So, in case you notice any kind of aggressive nature in your dog’s behaviour, you need to get it treated immediately before it leads to serious trouble. It is also recommended that you get your dog from reputed DOG BREEDERS IN THE US.
Why are dogs aggressive?
There are a number of situations when your dog starts showing aggressive behaviour. Some of the common types of aggressive behaviour include dominant nature, predatorios nature, etc. This kind of behaviour may occur due to various reasons. It can be due to an overly aggressive owner or because of certain health issues. Your dog can also become aggressive because of lack of socializing. So,you should make sure that your dog is trained properly so that it remains under control.
How do you treat aggressiveness in dogs?
As soon as you notice any kind of violent tendencies or signs of aggression in your dog, you must take it really seriously. You should consider taking your dog to a professional dog trainer or a veterinary doctor who best understands its behaviour. You can also try out different simple tricks at home that will help you to deal with dog aggression.
Socialization: The best way to tame your dog is to allow them to socialize with other dogs or humans. It can cause your animals to start behaving properly. They will also begin to develop a social sense. It will make them calm and peaceful.
Positive reinforcement: You should try not to be too hard on your dog for his aggressive behaviour as it can ignite a more aggressive response from your dog. You should avoid chaining your dog for too long of a time. Also, try to praise your dog for its good behaviour. This will change their behaviour and they will become calmer.
Training for aggressiveness: Both puppies and older dogs need to be trained for aggression. They should know how exactly they should behave in public. There are numerous dog training centres available where you can take your dog for training. You can also hire a personal trainer for your dog to train your dog at home.
This was all about it. If you have any other ideas regarding how to tame an aggressive dog, you should let us know.